By Thommy Browne | 4.15.2020
"I'd rather watch someone play very simply and confident than fast and exhausted."
By Thommy Browne | 2.28.2020
The drummer also gives us the goods on the best falafel spots in Atlanta. You know, the important stuff.
By Thommy Browne | 1.29.2020
The drummer, graphic designer, and co-founder of Dischord Records speaks.
By Thommy Browne | 12.4.2019
"Discovering Zach Hill really changed things for me and opened my eyes to how far you can go with one foot..."
By Thommy Browne | 11.19.2019
The all-drummer interview series continues with a guy raised on Leeway and Sly and the Family Stone.
By Thommy Browne | 7.10.2019
A chat with the gifted drummer and skateboarder.
By Thommy Browne | 6.26.2019
Props to this dude's dad for helping to spark his son's interest in music.
By Thommy Browne | 5.2.2019
It all started with a KISS concert (naturally)...
By Thommy Browne | 4.25.2019
The all-drummer interview series rolls on...
By Thommy Browne | 4.18.2019
Pearl Jam, Mackie from the Cro-Mags, the magic of Pinkerton, Impractical Jokers, and more.
By Thommy Browne | 4.11.2019
"Heavy metal was what initially got me excited on music..."
By Thommy Browne | 4.4.2019
Thommy Browne's all-drummer interview series continues with a musician who is a true beast behind the kit.
By Thommy Browne | 3.28.2019
"When I got into Amebix it was the Limewire days and I would just download every song..."
By Thommy Browne | 3.21.2019
Thommy Browne (By the Grace of God, Miracle Drug) debuts his new drummer interview series.
Record Collectors