Who Decides is a new band featuring members of Druse and Taking Meds. The style of songwriting they're shooting for with the project is go-for-throat hardcore, and as you'll soon find out for yourself, they do a damn good job at it.
"Yeah, so, half Taking Meds half Druse, playing hardcore, doing their best to make sure none of it is bad and all of it is good," said the Who Decides guys when asked about their new union. "Trying to sound like they're from Boston, but actually sounding like they're from Cleveland, and actually actually they're from Rochester. A city that is proud of hot dogs. No, don't say that part. We gotta respect the hometown, and we will kill anyone who doesn't come correct."
All kidding aside, Who Decides will be releasing their debut EP later this month, and No Echo has the premiere of "Big News," an aural attack that does a smack-up job of introducing them to the site's readership"
The Who Decides EP will be released on cassette, so hit this link for the pre-order, which also includes an exclusive t-shirt. Do not sleep.

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Tagged: who decides