Fusing sonic elements of noise rock, sludgy heavy metal, and filthy hardcore, Thunderclap is one of those examples where the band name is a perfect fit to the sound/spirit it is representing. The trio is comprised of musicians who have played in such bands as Discount, Army of Ponch, Black Cougar Shock Unit, and The Draft, so the foundation is solid either way, but with a powerful bottom heavy-driven attack, Thunderclap's output stands on its own.
The Gainesville, FL-based outfit recently issued Inebriocean, its debut LP. Recorded, mixed, and mastered by Ryan Williams (Hot Water Music, Whiskey & Co.), the album features a catchy yet nasty track called "Capsized" that Thunderclap just teamed up with directors Jeremy McGuire and Eliza Goldstein to make a music video for and No Echo got it for you here:
"'Capsized' brings us to the chaotic peak of Inebriocean," says Thunderclap's Ale Gasso. "It suggests a loss of control, telling the story of someone wrecked at sea, surrounded by complete darkness, accepting that inevitable moment of sinking into the ocean forever. And as the title of the album as well as the other songs imply—the restless, hungry ocean serves as a metaphor for intoxication or an all-consuming life of despair. The song ends with a sort of peaceful acceptance of the inevitable, 'At the end I close my eyes. And let the heaviness bring me down.' The video was shot by Jeremy McGuire and team at the Hardback Café on a rainy night in Gainesville, FL."

Inebriocean is available through Financial Ruin on LP and digital platforms with distribution through Dead Tank Records. You can download the digital version here and the vinyl is up at this link.

Upcoming Thunderclap shows:
June 28 - Gainesville, FL @ The Atlantic w/ Cavity, Bitemarks, and Gaul (tickets)
July 20 - Gainesville, FL @ Civic Media Center (Punk Bird Bash w/ Radon, No More, Piss Test)
Tagged: thunderclap