In the face of an ongoing crisis that is beamed directly to us everyday via some of the most heartbreaking images and video a person can see a collective of people have put their heads together in thinking about how to best respond.
Using community as the backbone, Thomas Sweetman (The Chain/design whiz) reached out to Cormie (Geld) to discuss ideas with Thomas chatting about how he had worked on a design that could be used for fundraising, Cormie was able to get the design out into the world and then act as the middle person with Hifi Print, aka Alec (No Brainer), coming onboard to print the design in shirt and patch form with Life.Lair.Regret.Records joining to host orders and handle shipping.

This team has worked together to take this idea and turn it into a reality thanks to the support of the global punk and hardcore community.
The response has been overwhelming for those involved with positive and negative views being shared from all corners of the globe but the biggest thing experienced has been the way sheer support of the project with over 150 shirts being ordered thus far.
You can order a shirt, patch or sticker here.
In addition to this, Life.Lair.Regret.Records in collaboration with friends and allies has put together a rare vinyl raffle including test presses and out of print items with an impressive roster of labels and artists involved such as Straightjacket Nation, C.O.F.F.I.N, Extortion, Volatile Ways, World of Joy, Kromosom, No Peace, Split System, Half Man, Fever Shack, and Enzyme among many more with something for anyone with an interest in alternative subculture.

On the need for this raffle, the label have stated ‘we’re fortunate to know the people we do and be in a position to try and provide some help. The cornerstone of hardcore has always been about supporting one another against a world gone mad and right now we want to come together to best support those suffering that we can."

All of these fundraising efforts proceeds will be donated to OIive Kids, an Australian based organization providing support to Palestinian children with shirt and patch preorders ending on February as well as the raffle with it due to be drawn also on the 12th.

Tickets can be purchased here.