"We were drawn together by our common love of the Northeast hardcore from the '90s and '00s beatdown style and the determination to write music to mosh to and play out as much as life permits," says Beast From the East vocalist Jack Beard.
"Our main influences are '90’s NY-LIHC/'00s moshcore, Amityville Music Hall when it was called VP South, The Pyramid Club, Coney Island High, Billy Club Sandwich, Bad Luck 13 Riot Extravaganza, Neglect, Vision of Disorder, deathmatch wrestling, Cipher, and Shattered Realm."
The New York band formed in 2020, during the COVID lockdowns. "An old Facebook ad led me to drummer Jay Gunz. Bassist Tom Maroney (Dehumanized, Torturous Inception) joined in 2021."
Since coming together, Beast From the East have dropped a handful of releases, with their latest, a 2-song promo called Spite for Your Life, coming out in June.
"Spite for Your Life was recorded with Joey Kusack out of Amplitude Studios in Staten Island. We had guitarist Cody Krute on board to contribute the intro track, which is short and sweet and let's the listener know what the deal is early on. The title track is us trying our best to channel the vibes of bands we’ve played with and looked up to, slow and churning - violence and negative IQ riffs. I don’t think we went above 120 BPMs the entire song."
Beast From the East will be releasing a new single called "Player Haterz Anthem" later this month, and they're also looking for a second guitar player to fill out their lineup.

No Echo asks Jack for his take on the hardcore scene in Beast From the East's backyard.
"The Northeast scene, like most scenes in the world, is fully thriving thanks to social media and video sharing (for better or for worse). The internet is nothing new but since COVID restrictions were lifted, there’s been a whole influx of new folks with a younger gang of kids coming to shows with enough energy to mosh the whole night, driving 2-3 hours away to see a band's 15-minute set. We see their enthusiasm and movement and feed off their energy and un-jadedness."
As far as bands to check out from the New York region, here's a list Jack shares: "Chains of Misery, Summon the Plague, Deadswitch, Unchained NJ, Bend the Knee, Against Everyone, Gartlock, Damage Control, Two-Piece, Sukkawut, Flesh of the Lotus, Torment, No Quarter Given, Deluzion, Fishface, Capo Kong."
Beast From the East on social media: Twitter | Instagram

Tagged: beast from the east