Like so many of the bands No Echo has been covering as of late, Tuning used the last year's lockdown to get creative. The melodic hardcore outfit got to work on the material to their next record.
"A Beacon in Impossible Seas was written during the COVID-19 pandemic," vocalist Jeremy Smith told me via email. "It was not easy, but I thought setting goals for Tuning was important to stay sharp, I mean, we all weren't even in the same room together for 8 months and even then we were standing apart, masked and behind plexi.
"Right before anyone was aware of COVID, my relationship of nearly 10 years ended and before I could even process what was going on, stay-at-home orders were issued left and right. I wrote the lyrics while trying to process the massive emotional burden that I was feeling... trying to work through it, trying to find hope and not let dark feelings swallow me whole."
Comprised of 4 new originals, and a cover of Inside Out's unrecorded track, "Nowhere to Turn," A Beacon in Impossible Seas will be hitting stores next month through Indecision Records (Throwdown, Power Alone).
Today, let's take a listen to "Pacific," the forthcoming record's closing track, a timeless burst of energetic and emotional hardcore:
"The music to the song 'Pacific' was written by our guitarist Matt [Tyler]," said Jeremy. "When he sent me the home recording of the riffs, I was having a really hard time keeping my head above water and thought maybe watching the sunset on the coast might help.
"I heard the big, melodic ending he had written and instantly had lyrical ideas on that drive west; that was a very cathartic moment for me and I pushed for the song to make the cut from that moment on- there's a lot of emotional resonance in the lyrics for me and I hope it comes across when others partake in it."

A Beacon in Impossible Seas will be released via Indecision Records on July 2nd. The pre-order will go live on June 7th at this link.
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Tagged: tuning