Dan Patrick is one of my favorite photographers in the hardcore community. It seems like the dude is always traveling, but thanks to Instagram, we get to see his shots from all over the globe, whether they're music-related or not. A definite "photo journalist" during a time when many people falsely claim to be, I salute Dan today and profile him on the site via the Photographer Spotlight series.
Where were you born and raised, and were your parents into the arts?
Tucson, AZ. My parents were into music mostly and some art especially with me as a kid. They always had a camera around.
What came first, your love for music, or your love for photography?
Close call, my parents were teachers and our summers were free so we travelled in a van accross the US from state parks to the cities. I always had disposable or film cameras with me and a VHS recorder. Same time we always jammed out in the van from '60 rock and roll, '30s country/blues to Tchaikovsky, all music I still love.
What was your first musical love?
I really liked classical music and country. I also listened to '80s pop music on the radio as a kid and loved it all. As well as some Spanish music as I grew up close to the border and most of my friends were Mexican American, or Central American. For hardcore in the late '90s, it was Refused and Abhinanda from Sweden.

Who were some of the photographers you looked up to during your formative years?
Ansell Adams, Dorothea Lange, C.S. Fly, I liked older bnw stuff and historical work. Off the top of my head.

What is your camera and post set up?
Now it’s a Nikon D610 14-24mm a couple flashes although I just use one at shows. First was a Nikon 3200 with pop up flash. I edit now in Lightroom and that’s about it. Sometimes Instagrams editing tools are decent for quick work. Looking to go mirrorless soon.

In terms of your non-musical photo work, what kind of stuff do you do?
I have worked for years with the homeless across the states and documented much of it. The people who started out as strangers became some of my best friends. That’s a whole other story. I enjoy landscapes. I'd say Iceland is my favorite so far and any cityscape with Soviet architecture!

Who are some of your favorite bands to shoot?
Always like to see Terror, any of Pat Flynn’s bands, especially FREE. Power Trip, Strife, Negative Approach, North Side Kings, Incendiary, Boston Strangler, Youth Code, Chain Rank...there’s too many!

If you could go back in time, who are some bands that you would have loved to shoot?
I really like what’s going on now. I don’t think I could really say, but it would have been nice to see Warzone or a Slapshot show back in the day.
What are the toughest aspects to shooting live shows?
Pretty much am always filming from the pit so thats your answer I'd say. I get clobbered in the pit my camera tends to shut itself off. I guess it depends on the show but the right lens and a working camera are my immediate problems. Sometimes you take a beating holding your camera up high, so it doesnt get destroyed. Its been shipped off to Nikon quite a few times for repairs.

Tell me about some newer bands that we should all be on the lookout for.
Digging Berthold City a lot and can’t say anything new that no one's ever heard, so Fucked and Bound, DARE, Spine, Ecostrike, Trail of Lies, Fiddlehead, the newest American Nightmare album, Thug Riot (AZ), American War Machine, and Blue Collar Criminals, from my hometown, not a new band but under the radar I’d say.

Who are some modern-day photographers that you admire?
Reid Haithcock and Todd Pollock because they helped me a lot and are amazing guys. Otherwise, John Stanmeyer, who I met in Tbilisi, Natela Grigalashvili, and anyone on the frontlines doing humanitarian work around the world.

If you had to pick one of your photos that best encapsulates why you love shooting bands/artists, which one would it by and why?
It’s tough to pick one but possibly the shot I sent from Negative Approach. Like most other shots from any show, it looks like a school of tuna going berserk. The show was amazing and in the basement of Hardcore Stadium. John's almost deadpan look and a crowd of people 30 years younger going wild.

See more of Dan's photo work on his Instagram page.
Tagged: photographer spotlight