I get annoyed when people refer to it as "Hardcore Twitter," but it does kind of exist. For better or worse—it weren't for that community of people—I wouldn't be as up on the comings and goings of the hardcore universe as I am right now. That's how I first learned about Typecaste, a newer band that many folks there were hyped on.
"I started getting an urge to sing for a band after I finally started understanding myself more after a crazy psychotic depression," Typecaste vocalist Dylan told me during a recent email exchange. "The band started intinitally with just [Typecaste drummer] Sean and I. Prior to the band we were already close friends who worked together for a few years and hung out playing video games quite often." It turns out that the members that make up Typecaste live very spread out from each other. No, really, like, really spread out. Some of the dudes live in the suburbs outside of Boston, while the others live on Long Island, New York.
"Making the Long Boston thing work can be tough, but we make it happen. We talk daily in our group chat about the band bouncing ideas around and setting things up. To practice, Sean and I either go to Long Island, or [Typecaste bassist] Joey and [Typecaste guitarist] Marazzo will carpool up here to the Merrimack Valley. Before a tour, we also take a few days before we leave to go over it all. It really isn’t too annoying for me and it’s just apart of the fun for the band now."

Though they were just working off of a demo, Typecaste has still been pounding the pavement, and are about to head out on tour with Tourniquet, Atonement, and Foreign Hands. "Doing the past couple tours we did off the demo have been a blast and I’m still impressed how well received the demo was! I’m currently in school and whenever I’m not busy with that, I just want to do tours. If we have the time, we are going out and doing as much as we can. I just can’t wait for everyone to hear the new stuff and see it live on this full US."
Well, enough with all that demo business, it's time to unleash some new Typecaste material. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you "Seasons Change," the first track from Typecaste's forthcoming debut EP, Creature of Habit. "It's the first song we wrote for the record and actually have been playing it live already," said Dylan. "It’s a great introduction to the record’s sound and the direction of the songs."
As you can attest for yourselves from the track above, it's a wall-to-wall most party, but Dylan told me that he was going through a lot during the writing process of the EP. "I did my part of the writing over a span of a seasonal depression and that’s basically the vibe of the record.
"The cover photo is a Polaroid my mom took of me of taking a bath when I was younger. I wrote 'stuck In plastic, on the Polaroid after it was taken because when we were taking the picture, I wanted it to look like I was suffocating in plastic. It was really weird finding the picture again seeing I was still oddly suicidal as a kid writing that down."

I asked Dylan about some of the newer bands from the hardcore scene he and his bandmates in Typecaste are currently feeling. "I know the majority of us are really into the new Fiddlehead record. We also love Fuming Mouth, Buried Dreams, and Vein, all they have new music coming out, which is a great thing. I’m excited to go to a show in the Valley again soon."

As I mentioned earlier, Typecaste our about to embark on a tour run with Tourniquet, Atonement, and Foreign Hands, just in time for the release of Creature of Habit. "The idea for the package came from a tour I previously went on last summer. It was Vein, Buried Dreams, and Sanction. It was unofficially called Summer of Fear, if I recall correctly. I also think the phrase 'Long Boston' was coined on this tour. Lil Chris from Tourniquet was also road dogging the tour. Anyway, Anthony wanted the tour to be annual and I felt like it was my mission to make it happen for him this year. Joey also helps an enormous amount putting tours together and does most of that. Once we knew Tourniquet, Atonement, and Foreign Hands were down, the rest was history."
Creature of Habit will arrive on June 24 and will be available on Typecaste's Bandcamp page. Check the band out on tour with Tourniquet, Atonement, and Foreign Hands on one of the dates below.

Tagged: typecaste