Hailing from Hamilton, Ontario, Hostage is a band (strangely) No Echo hasn't covered before.
Formed in 2018, the group's lineup cosists of guitarist Sandy Robertson (Chokehold, Haymaker, Laid to Rest), drummer Jaret Maillet (Sparrows, Powerbomb), guitarist Ryan Rogers (Eating Glass, ex- Lions), bassist Andy Weatherson (Laid to Rest), and vocalist Dan Secord (Eaten Alive, The Cassandra Dilemma).
Hostage's darkened metallic sound was first heard on their 2018 demo, the quintet just released a new EP today called All Hope Defiled. Soak in the brutality below:
“There is much uncertainty in the world these days and we’re seeing more and more of people refusing to accept cold, hard facts," singer Dan tells No Echo.
"All Hope Defiled is about seeing things through an analytical set of eyes; from traumatic experience to society’s current state of affairs, the lyrical content is a rally cry for people to wake up and pay the fuck attention.”

All Hope Defiled is available now via Bandcamp and Spotify.
Hostage on social media: Facebook | Instagram | Bandcamp
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Tagged: chokehold, haymaker, hostage, laid to rest