
Conjoined Twin: LA Band Delivers Left of Center Hardcore Punk on The Fall of America EP

Photo: Victoria Abad 

Conjoined Twin is a new band out of Los Angeles with an interesting stylistic approach. "We try to incorporate the darker, spacey sounds of post-punk and psychedelic music into hardcore punk songs," guitarist/vocalist Milo tells No Echo. 

"We try to keep songs hard hitting while still retaining dynamics and musicality, and of course try to include some ear candy. Our main influences would be Christian Death, Dystopia, Antischism, Rudimentary Peni, Saccharine Trust, and The Garden."

So, how did Conjoined Twin get started in the first place? Milo explains: "[Drummer] Emanuel and I met through mutual friends and ended up playing in a band together briefly before parting ways with our guitarist. We recorded our debut release with myself playing bass and guitar parts, and decided to change our name to Conjoined Twin.

"At the time I was producing an EP for a close friend's band called Lewd Platoon, and I ended up asking their bassist, Oatmeal, to join Conjoined Twin. We played our first show in June of 2021."

Released earlier this month, Conjoined Twins' The Fall of America EP is a driving, and often catchy, slice of hardcore punk:

"Lyrically speaking, our songs cover anarchism, current events, and inner reflection, as well as esoteric and occult themes," Milo offers.

The Conjoined Twin guitarist/vocalist shows some love to their local music community:

"The LA punk scene is definitely alive and well during the pandemic, generator shows have all but taken over. A lot of bands are sprouting up trying to reach a wider audience. Some of our favorites are definitely Boryoku and Lewd Platoon!"

Conjoined Twin on social media: Instagram | Bandcamp


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