The Blood Loss story began in 2017 when members of such bands as Videodrome, The Lifers, and Victim of Fire decided to collaborate. 2019 saw the Denver outfit drop their self-tited 7 inch via Convulse Records, a label on a fucking tear for the past year (Cell Rot, Rash, Candy Apple).
Convulse Records and the band are teaming up again in the form of Surviving Life in the Shadow of Death, Blood Loss' forthcoming 4-track EP.
If you haven't heard them yet, Blood Loss keeps shit lean and mean. Their playing and writing approach reminds me of SSD, Violent Reaction, and primitive NYHC. Check out a song called "Organize!" below to get a quick fix of Blood Loss' new EP:
"The world is falling apart around us—environmentally, economically, politically, with no end in sight," Blood Loss vocalist Adam Golder told No Echo via email.
"These songs were written at the height of Trumpism as a response to the frustration and anger we felt and are continuing to feel as the troubling times continue."

Blood Loss will be playing Convulse Records Three Year Anniversary Weekend this October in support of Surviving Life in the Shadow of Death.
Hit up the Convulse Records online store to jump on the vinyl pre-order for this excellent EP.
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Tagged: blood loss